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Learn Hypnotherapy

The Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy & NLP

For Beginners

We'll teach you from the ground-up how to help and hypnotise others. No prior experience needed.

For Enthusiasts

Improve your communication skills, learn to read body language, and get ready to rediscover the human mind.

For Therapists

We'll take you further. Build upon your current skills with plenty of practicals and dedicated 1-to-1 training.


You'll be taught Multiple Methods to relax, hypnotise and help your future clients - and yourself, too.

You'll learn how to utilise NLP Techniques alongside direct and in-direct hypnosis, and practice many hypnotic inductions such as:


•  Body Journey          •   Eye Fixations

•  Staircase                  •   Rapid Inductions

•  The Esdaile State      •  Elman, and more.


You'll learn how to read faces and body language, uncover the science and history behind mesmerism and magnetism, and discover how the power of suggestion affects our every day lives.


You'll learn in great detail how the unconscious mind operates, why it's usually so difficult to change it, and how you, as a hypnotherapist, will help make the process simple.

You'll be taught Multiple Therapeutic Interventions to employ during trance to help your clients overcome a variety of issues.

The techniques you'll be taught include Pure Suggestion, Control Panel, New Behaviour Generator, Gestalt, Parts Therapy, Glove Anaesthesia and more.


These techniques will enable you to help your future clients with many issues, including:


•  Anxiety                    •  Unwanted Behaviours

•  Depression            •  Pain Control

•  Phobias                   •  Weight Control

•  Trauma                    •  Insomnia

•  Addictions             •  Self-Esteem, and more.

  • What is hypnosis?
    Hypnosis is a state of relaxed concentration, somewhere between sleeping and waking. During hypnosis, your conscious mind takes the back seat and you become less concerned with the world around you - however, you are still very much aware of everything going on. It's a natural state which you slip into everyday. It happens just before you fall asleep, and right after you wake up in the morning. For example, have you ever been lost in a daydream, been absorbed whilst scrolling on your phone, or gone into auto-pilot whilst driving? Some people might also call this the feeling of being in 'flow.' To others, you could describe it as 'zoning out.' Hypnosis is not the same as sleep, nor is it a state of unawareness or immobility. You can still move freely and speak freely if you want to. It is simply a phase of reduced cyclical brainwave activity in the mind - specifically, the Theta state, which operates at about 4 to 7hz. It's often brought on by both a deep relaxation of the body and a sole focus upon just thing - be it a thought, a subject, or an activity. For comparison, an active, waking mind (Beta and Gamma states) might operate from anywhere between 12 and 80hz, and a sleeping brain (Delta) operates at about 1 and 4hz.
  • How does it work?
    Answer: The therapist will guide you into a hypnotic state and communicate with your unconscious mind, which already has the solution to your problem. Your unconscious only wants to protect you. On some level, it believes your behaviour is helping you, perhaps by keeping you safe or bringing you joy. Therefore, it makes no sense to the unconscious for you to stop doing the behaviour. Whilst you are in the hypnotic state, we can communicate directly with the unconscious mind and reason with it to stop doing the behaviour, because it is now causing you distress or harm, and allow it to replace the behaviour with something that now truly benefits you. Think of it as updating outdated software - the old behaviour isn't necessarily 'wrong', it's just not needed anymore, and we will help you update it with something better. Throughout our life, the subconscious and unconscious mind stores every single thing it hears, sees, feels, tastes and smells. Naturally, if we remembered everything on a conscious level, we would have little time to have new experiences and learn anything new. Our unconscious takes the learning (either good or bad) and lets our conscious mind know that we should exhibit some kind of behaviour for a certain trigger - eg, run every time you see a spider, or smoke/drink/eat in times of stress. The unconscious mind is your protector and will always advise the conscious mind to do whatever is right for us according to what it has learned. Sometimes, however, it needs to be re-educated, particularly when the behaviour is becoming harmful, or interfering with you comfortably doing what you want to do in life. Hypnosis is simply accessing the unconscious mind, removing the old unuseful program and replacing it with a new and more up to date mode of behaviour, that will be more appropriate and beneficial to you.
  • Can hypnotherapy help me?
    Answer: Anyone can be helped with hypnotherapy. The process is all about engagement. The more you engage with the process and your hypnotherapist, the more easily you can be helped. It is possible, though most unusual, that someone is not helped because they do not want help if they have been brought in by another person. In that situation, we find that usually they do want help and can be helped, it is just that they did not understand the process of hypnotherapy and would not have approached us by themselves. Even if you struggle with visualisation or prolonged concentration, hypnotherapy can still help you. Every session is unique and the methods used will change depending on your particular circumstance. If you have been hypnotised before and it didn't work, the practitioner may not have engaged with you correctly or, as written above, there may still have been some hesitation or resistance about the process. Regardless, we're right here and ready to help you if you want to give it another try. We're passionate about making things better, and the worse thing that'll happen is you'll feel way more relaxed.
  • Do I need to be referred by my doctor?
    Answer: No. Although the medical profession do refer clients to us, it is not a requirement for a session.
  • Can I have hypnotherapy if I am prone to seizures?
    Arrangements can be made to ensure your wellbeing if you wish to have hypnotherapy with us. We will require a few extra things to be in place, such as available or attendance of another adult, multiple points of contact for remote sessions and a question and answer session on your awareness of what to expect and how to safely attend to your needs. For example, we want you to be in a soft, comfortable environment where you are safely supported at all times, with someone on hand to attend to you if necessary. Our Hypnotists are experienced and skilled in such situations, being Advanced Clinical Practitioners with the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council and your wellbeing is continually our prime concern.
  • How much does it cost?
    Answer: All prices are here on the website. Contact us if you are in hardship and we will do our best to help you.
  • Isn't it mind control?
    Answer: We actually give you your control back. Your mind is continually being influenced by skilled marketing people; leading you to buy more than you can afford, for example. You will in fact be more aware of how you are being adversely controlled by external factors as your awareness expands.
  • What is the difference between talking to me now or talking to me when I am hypnotised?
    Answer: Your conscious mind is resistant to change. ​ There are two parts to the mind - the conscious, and the unconscious. The conscious mind is only there when you are awake, and it takes in seven pieces of information every second. It gets overloaded quite easily and we can get a bit confused. The unconscious mind is there all of the time and takes in over two million pieces of information every second, so it can handle a lot more. Hypnotherapy reasons directly with the unconscious mind to solve your particular problem.
  • What is the difference between meditation and hypnosis?
    1. Meditation is usually done on your own. Hypnosis takes two - that is, you plus a professional - to orchestrate a conversation between your conscious and unconscious mind. 2. Meditation is passive whereas Hypnosis is active. For example, if you were terrified of a spider before your meditation, you will still be terrified of a spider afterwards. Whereas with Hypnosis, with the proper therapeutic intervention, you will be free of your phobia directly after the session. 3. Meditation is calm whereas Hypnosis is energetic. Whilst you remain physically calm your mind will be directed into a very energetic process of calling upon past behaviours in the light of present motivation to propel you into the best possible future state. 4. With meditation you are encouraged to focus on yourself and on one object or sound to create a singularity of mind, whereas your hypnotherapist will be expanding that focus into a state that encompasses other peoples points of view or different perspectives. This is because the focus and the perspective at the moment - certainly in cases of phobic responses or a smoking behaviour, for example - is not useful to the client. 5. Meditation is entered into voluntarily whereas the hypnotic state can be instigated involuntarily. For example, when one goes into a shock state at the scene of an accident, or when stage hypnotists are able to engage people into a hypnotic state even when it seems to not be a willing process. 6. Meditation is non-participatory Hypnosis is participatory. In other words, during your hypnotherapy session, your unconscious mind will be participating in various activities which are presented to it by your hypnotherapist.
  • I have tried self-hypnosis and meditation and it didn't work for me, so will this work?
    Answer: You can do this alone, however, the unconscious protects itself quite defiantly and will not let the conscious mind tell it what to do. When you are trying to do something and not achieving it, we have a tendency to beat ourselves up and tell our unconscious mind off, so it kind of shuts down and stops listening to you. You need a skilled Practitioner to build a bridge between those two parts of your mind to bring a little negotiation and peace to a troubled mind. It is also quite difficult to consciously guide yourself into an unconscious state. Trying to do this by yourself means the weight goes back on, the cigarette is lit, those panic attacks just keep on coming and to add to it, we now chastise ourselves or even hate ourselves for continuing to behave out of our control. Hypnotherapy resolves this.
  • Why is it difficult to break habits?
    Answer: Behaviours become habits over time, even the ‘bad’ ones. The conscious mind struggles to break habitual behaviour. When we are learning to do something new, it takes a great deal of conscious effort. The unconscious mind will take over a behaviour as an automatic process to make life easier for you, which is great when you want to keep it, though when you want to stop something like smoking, it is uncomfortable and tricky.
  • Why do I do things that I don't want to do, or even things that hurt me?
    Answer: Because your unconscious mind thinks it is protecting you. One client got injured getting out of a moving vehicle because a wasp flew in the car. She consciously knew the wasp sting would not hurt as much as jumping out of the car, but her knee-jerk unconscious process just wanted to protect her from the wasp.
  • How will you stop me doing these harmful things?
    Answer: We are skilled in accessing the unconscious mind and talking to it. You tell us what you want your mind to be doing for you and as long as it serves you better than the old behaviour did, keeps you safe and makes you happier and healthier, we can update the old ‘program’ for you.
  • Do I have to believe in it?
    Answer: No, hypnosis happens all by itself. Hypnosis is a state, not a belief system or anything scary. Brainwave patterns just slow down to a rate where your conscious mind goes into the background a little, but it is still there. Have you ever dosed off on the sofa but still been aware of all the noises around you – thinking you hadn’t been asleep, but then shocked to find out that an hour has passed? If so, you have been in a state of hypnosis, a state of being neither awake nor asleep where your conscious mind has drifted off but subconsciously you are still awake.
  • Will you make me do silly things?
    Answer: No, it does not help the therapeutic process to make you do silly things. Many people have misconceived ideas about hypnotherapy, as they confuse it with ‘stage hypnosis’ - ranging from thinking the hypnotist will make you do things you don’t want to do, to controlling your mind and making you cluck like a chicken! In fact, this could not be further from the truth. It is not useful to client or hypnotherapist to do anything silly for amusement purposes. (I suppose we'd only do it if you actually wanted us to. Anything is worth it if it makes you smile.)
  • Will I be aware of what's going on?
    Answer: You are more aware during hypnotherapy than in a fully conscious state, just less bothered by whatever's going on. Awareness expands during a hypnotherapy session as you are aware and connected to all the resources of the whole of your mind. However, this doesn't mean you'll get overwhelmed. For example, if you were to hear cars passing by outside or hear someone talking in another room, you'd be very much aware of it, but you wouldn't be bothered by it, nor have your focus impeded or distracted by it.
  • Will I become more susceptible to unwelcome ideas or easily manipulated?
    Answer: It is your own ideas that are discussed and your improvements to behaviour that are addressed. It is when you are in this relaxated state of concentration that you are at your most receptive to suggestions that will make changes to your unconscious unuseful beliefs. The hypnotist will achieve this level of consciousness to guide you towards your required goal. You will in fact be more resilient and guarded against any outside influence on your mind afterwards. Besides, we're here to help you be more you, not less you!
  • What if I say things I don't want to say?
    Answer: You won't. You are still in control of your speech. You will tell us what is useful to your dilemma, and nothing more. It is a misconception is that you will be telling the hypnotist all your deepest darkest secrets – you will not do or say anything you don’t want to do or say. In fact, the whole session can be run content free so that your therapist need never know the full details - you know, and that’s enough! Your busy therapist wants to help you and does not have the interest or time to spare on information that is not relevant to your dilemma. But that doesn't mean we don't care. We just want you to be alright.
  • Can you hypnotise me against my will?
    Answer: Though the hypnotic state can happen involuntarily or naturally, such as during shock or when waking up in the morning, therapeutic intervention can only occur with the client's consent. This is therapy, not stage entertainment. This therapeutic process will only work if you want it to. In fact, conversely, it is your conscious willpower that is usually letting you down. We enhance your willpower so that you can stop what you want to stop, and start what you want to start.
  • Can I be controlled?
    Answer: No. Everything that is done during your hypnotherapy session is done voluntarily. Your ability to decide what you should and shouldn’t do is unaffected.
  • Can I be sure of waking up?
    Answer: You will not be asleep, so you will not need to be awoken. You will merely be deeply relaxed and will most likely have the best night’s sleep you have ever had that very night when you do sleep. This is because your issues have been resolved and peace is restored to the mind.
  • How will I feel afterwards?
    Answer: Relaxed, happier and surprised. There are many positive results of a hypnotherapy session: relaxation improves, enthusiasm and self determination increase and your overall outlook changes considerably for the better. You realise you have the tools within yourself to effect the required change.


Stuff to Look Forward to...

Deception Analysis

Connect without words. Learn to read body language, split-second micro-expressions and vital eye accessing cues.

Meta Questioning

Quickly get to the root of your client's dilemmas by knowing the right questions to ask - and which ones not to.

A Healthier Mindset

Discover how our minds are affected by everyday phrases and suggestion - and how we can talk to ourselves and others better.

The Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy and NLP by Jennie Kitching Contents.png

Peek Inside the Diploma Book

See the complete list of this course's content - and a brief history of hypnosis - for free.


Get the full book for free with Kindle Unlimited - contains the ten steps to hypnosis, plenty of practice scripts, method walkthrough guides, and more.

Diploma Book

Course Outline & Content

Course Outline
  • What is hypnosis?
    Hypnosis is a state of relaxed concentration, somewhere between sleeping and waking. During hypnosis, your conscious mind takes the back seat and you become less concerned with the world around you - however, you are still very much aware of everything going on. It's a natural state which you slip into everyday. It happens just before you fall asleep, and right after you wake up in the morning. For example, have you ever been lost in a daydream, been absorbed whilst scrolling on your phone, or gone into auto-pilot whilst driving? Some people might also call this the feeling of being in 'flow.' To others, you could describe it as 'zoning out.' Hypnosis is not the same as sleep, nor is it a state of unawareness or immobility. You can still move freely and speak freely if you want to. It is simply a phase of reduced cyclical brainwave activity in the mind - specifically, the Theta state, which operates at about 4 to 7hz. It's often brought on by both a deep relaxation of the body and a sole focus upon just thing - be it a thought, a subject, or an activity. For comparison, an active, waking mind (Beta and Gamma states) might operate from anywhere between 12 and 80hz, and a sleeping brain (Delta) operates at about 1 and 4hz.
  • How does it work?
    Answer: The therapist will guide you into a hypnotic state and communicate with your unconscious mind, which already has the solution to your problem. Your unconscious only wants to protect you. On some level, it believes your behaviour is helping you, perhaps by keeping you safe or bringing you joy. Therefore, it makes no sense to the unconscious for you to stop doing the behaviour. Whilst you are in the hypnotic state, we can communicate directly with the unconscious mind and reason with it to stop doing the behaviour, because it is now causing you distress or harm, and allow it to replace the behaviour with something that now truly benefits you. Think of it as updating outdated software - the old behaviour isn't necessarily 'wrong', it's just not needed anymore, and we will help you update it with something better. Throughout our life, the subconscious and unconscious mind stores every single thing it hears, sees, feels, tastes and smells. Naturally, if we remembered everything on a conscious level, we would have little time to have new experiences and learn anything new. Our unconscious takes the learning (either good or bad) and lets our conscious mind know that we should exhibit some kind of behaviour for a certain trigger - eg, run every time you see a spider, or smoke/drink/eat in times of stress. The unconscious mind is your protector and will always advise the conscious mind to do whatever is right for us according to what it has learned. Sometimes, however, it needs to be re-educated, particularly when the behaviour is becoming harmful, or interfering with you comfortably doing what you want to do in life. Hypnosis is simply accessing the unconscious mind, removing the old unuseful program and replacing it with a new and more up to date mode of behaviour, that will be more appropriate and beneficial to you.
  • Can hypnotherapy help me?
    Answer: Anyone can be helped with hypnotherapy. The process is all about engagement. The more you engage with the process and your hypnotherapist, the more easily you can be helped. It is possible, though most unusual, that someone is not helped because they do not want help if they have been brought in by another person. In that situation, we find that usually they do want help and can be helped, it is just that they did not understand the process of hypnotherapy and would not have approached us by themselves. Even if you struggle with visualisation or prolonged concentration, hypnotherapy can still help you. Every session is unique and the methods used will change depending on your particular circumstance. If you have been hypnotised before and it didn't work, the practitioner may not have engaged with you correctly or, as written above, there may still have been some hesitation or resistance about the process. Regardless, we're right here and ready to help you if you want to give it another try. We're passionate about making things better, and the worse thing that'll happen is you'll feel way more relaxed.
  • Do I need to be referred by my doctor?
    Answer: No. Although the medical profession do refer clients to us, it is not a requirement for a session.
  • Can I have hypnotherapy if I am prone to seizures?
    Arrangements can be made to ensure your wellbeing if you wish to have hypnotherapy with us. We will require a few extra things to be in place, such as available or attendance of another adult, multiple points of contact for remote sessions and a question and answer session on your awareness of what to expect and how to safely attend to your needs. For example, we want you to be in a soft, comfortable environment where you are safely supported at all times, with someone on hand to attend to you if necessary. Our Hypnotists are experienced and skilled in such situations, being Advanced Clinical Practitioners with the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council and your wellbeing is continually our prime concern.
  • How much does it cost?
    Answer: All prices are here on the website. Contact us if you are in hardship and we will do our best to help you.
  • Isn't it mind control?
    Answer: We actually give you your control back. Your mind is continually being influenced by skilled marketing people; leading you to buy more than you can afford, for example. You will in fact be more aware of how you are being adversely controlled by external factors as your awareness expands.
  • What is the difference between talking to me now or talking to me when I am hypnotised?
    Answer: Your conscious mind is resistant to change. ​ There are two parts to the mind - the conscious, and the unconscious. The conscious mind is only there when you are awake, and it takes in seven pieces of information every second. It gets overloaded quite easily and we can get a bit confused. The unconscious mind is there all of the time and takes in over two million pieces of information every second, so it can handle a lot more. Hypnotherapy reasons directly with the unconscious mind to solve your particular problem.
  • What is the difference between meditation and hypnosis?
    1. Meditation is usually done on your own. Hypnosis takes two - that is, you plus a professional - to orchestrate a conversation between your conscious and unconscious mind. 2. Meditation is passive whereas Hypnosis is active. For example, if you were terrified of a spider before your meditation, you will still be terrified of a spider afterwards. Whereas with Hypnosis, with the proper therapeutic intervention, you will be free of your phobia directly after the session. 3. Meditation is calm whereas Hypnosis is energetic. Whilst you remain physically calm your mind will be directed into a very energetic process of calling upon past behaviours in the light of present motivation to propel you into the best possible future state. 4. With meditation you are encouraged to focus on yourself and on one object or sound to create a singularity of mind, whereas your hypnotherapist will be expanding that focus into a state that encompasses other peoples points of view or different perspectives. This is because the focus and the perspective at the moment - certainly in cases of phobic responses or a smoking behaviour, for example - is not useful to the client. 5. Meditation is entered into voluntarily whereas the hypnotic state can be instigated involuntarily. For example, when one goes into a shock state at the scene of an accident, or when stage hypnotists are able to engage people into a hypnotic state even when it seems to not be a willing process. 6. Meditation is non-participatory Hypnosis is participatory. In other words, during your hypnotherapy session, your unconscious mind will be participating in various activities which are presented to it by your hypnotherapist.
  • I have tried self-hypnosis and meditation and it didn't work for me, so will this work?
    Answer: You can do this alone, however, the unconscious protects itself quite defiantly and will not let the conscious mind tell it what to do. When you are trying to do something and not achieving it, we have a tendency to beat ourselves up and tell our unconscious mind off, so it kind of shuts down and stops listening to you. You need a skilled Practitioner to build a bridge between those two parts of your mind to bring a little negotiation and peace to a troubled mind. It is also quite difficult to consciously guide yourself into an unconscious state. Trying to do this by yourself means the weight goes back on, the cigarette is lit, those panic attacks just keep on coming and to add to it, we now chastise ourselves or even hate ourselves for continuing to behave out of our control. Hypnotherapy resolves this.
  • Why is it difficult to break habits?
    Answer: Behaviours become habits over time, even the ‘bad’ ones. The conscious mind struggles to break habitual behaviour. When we are learning to do something new, it takes a great deal of conscious effort. The unconscious mind will take over a behaviour as an automatic process to make life easier for you, which is great when you want to keep it, though when you want to stop something like smoking, it is uncomfortable and tricky.
  • Why do I do things that I don't want to do, or even things that hurt me?
    Answer: Because your unconscious mind thinks it is protecting you. One client got injured getting out of a moving vehicle because a wasp flew in the car. She consciously knew the wasp sting would not hurt as much as jumping out of the car, but her knee-jerk unconscious process just wanted to protect her from the wasp.
  • How will you stop me doing these harmful things?
    Answer: We are skilled in accessing the unconscious mind and talking to it. You tell us what you want your mind to be doing for you and as long as it serves you better than the old behaviour did, keeps you safe and makes you happier and healthier, we can update the old ‘program’ for you.
  • Do I have to believe in it?
    Answer: No, hypnosis happens all by itself. Hypnosis is a state, not a belief system or anything scary. Brainwave patterns just slow down to a rate where your conscious mind goes into the background a little, but it is still there. Have you ever dosed off on the sofa but still been aware of all the noises around you – thinking you hadn’t been asleep, but then shocked to find out that an hour has passed? If so, you have been in a state of hypnosis, a state of being neither awake nor asleep where your conscious mind has drifted off but subconsciously you are still awake.
  • Will you make me do silly things?
    Answer: No, it does not help the therapeutic process to make you do silly things. Many people have misconceived ideas about hypnotherapy, as they confuse it with ‘stage hypnosis’ - ranging from thinking the hypnotist will make you do things you don’t want to do, to controlling your mind and making you cluck like a chicken! In fact, this could not be further from the truth. It is not useful to client or hypnotherapist to do anything silly for amusement purposes. (I suppose we'd only do it if you actually wanted us to. Anything is worth it if it makes you smile.)
  • Will I be aware of what's going on?
    Answer: You are more aware during hypnotherapy than in a fully conscious state, just less bothered by whatever's going on. Awareness expands during a hypnotherapy session as you are aware and connected to all the resources of the whole of your mind. However, this doesn't mean you'll get overwhelmed. For example, if you were to hear cars passing by outside or hear someone talking in another room, you'd be very much aware of it, but you wouldn't be bothered by it, nor have your focus impeded or distracted by it.
  • Will I become more susceptible to unwelcome ideas or easily manipulated?
    Answer: It is your own ideas that are discussed and your improvements to behaviour that are addressed. It is when you are in this relaxated state of concentration that you are at your most receptive to suggestions that will make changes to your unconscious unuseful beliefs. The hypnotist will achieve this level of consciousness to guide you towards your required goal. You will in fact be more resilient and guarded against any outside influence on your mind afterwards. Besides, we're here to help you be more you, not less you!
  • What if I say things I don't want to say?
    Answer: You won't. You are still in control of your speech. You will tell us what is useful to your dilemma, and nothing more. It is a misconception is that you will be telling the hypnotist all your deepest darkest secrets – you will not do or say anything you don’t want to do or say. In fact, the whole session can be run content free so that your therapist need never know the full details - you know, and that’s enough! Your busy therapist wants to help you and does not have the interest or time to spare on information that is not relevant to your dilemma. But that doesn't mean we don't care. We just want you to be alright.
  • Can you hypnotise me against my will?
    Answer: Though the hypnotic state can happen involuntarily or naturally, such as during shock or when waking up in the morning, therapeutic intervention can only occur with the client's consent. This is therapy, not stage entertainment. This therapeutic process will only work if you want it to. In fact, conversely, it is your conscious willpower that is usually letting you down. We enhance your willpower so that you can stop what you want to stop, and start what you want to start.
  • Can I be controlled?
    Answer: No. Everything that is done during your hypnotherapy session is done voluntarily. Your ability to decide what you should and shouldn’t do is unaffected.
  • Can I be sure of waking up?
    Answer: You will not be asleep, so you will not need to be awoken. You will merely be deeply relaxed and will most likely have the best night’s sleep you have ever had that very night when you do sleep. This is because your issues have been resolved and peace is restored to the mind.
  • How will I feel afterwards?
    Answer: Relaxed, happier and surprised. There are many positive results of a hypnotherapy session: relaxation improves, enthusiasm and self determination increase and your overall outlook changes considerably for the better. You realise you have the tools within yourself to effect the required change.


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✔ 3 Qualifications for the Price of 1 Course

✔ 6 Months Free Peer Support Included

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